
first post:

my name is meagan, but people call me Delz.
Im 16, from the Toronto area, and i have a passion for
getting through to people through spoken word, and poetry,
im very opinionated, and i am sure you will come to realize this with time.

So, basically ive heard of this blogging
thing and at first i wasn't going to make one..
but then i thought about how much notes and stuff
i make on facebook about my opinions through poetry and such,
so why not have a blog with the same contents?

im gonna use this blog not necessarily to post things like
"today i ate cereal and went for a jog" but things more like..
"today i came across teens beating up another teen and i found it to be ridiculous because.."
so in any case i hope that what i post is taken seriously,
and is given a second thought.
because i just find in today's world, sanity and dignity within people...
is hard to find.


1 comment:

  1. ahh man.. i joined cause i wanted to know what cereal you were going to have for breakfast :(

    I'm joking :) live blog still
